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Install HealthChecks on Debian 12

In this guide I will guide you in the installation of the monitoring software in a server with Debian 11 or Debian 12. The official one is lacking in a lot of areas, so I'm aiming to provide a more complete guide for my use case (HealthChecks + MariaDB).

This guide will install the software directly on the machine. If you want a guide to install and deploy using docker you can check this official blog post.


Pēteris "cuu508" Caune, the creator of, gave me feedback on this guide. If you want to check his comments you can see them here. I'm really thankful they took the time to read and comment about this, and most of their suggestions are applied in this guide. If there's a suggestion that is not present here, the reason for that is addressed in its section.

1. (Optional) Install a database

If your server is going to handle a lot of monitors with very frequent notifications, you should probably consider using a DBMS like MySQL or PostgreSQL. In this guide I will use MariaDB. You can find a great installation guide here.

I'll create a database and an user in the database for HealthChecks with the following commands.

CREATE DATABASE healthchecks;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON healthchecks.* TO 'healthchecks'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '---password---';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_healthchecks.* TO 'healthchecks'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '---password---';

2. Create a system user

To make handling security and permissions easier, we are going to create a system user that will run HealthChecks. I'd choose to call it healthchecks and set its home directory in /opt/healthchecks (which will be the installation folder). I create it with this command:

# Create the installation folder. This will also prevent copying 'skel'
mkdir /opt/healthchecks

# Create user as system user with login disabled
adduser --system --group --home /opt/healthchecks --shell /usr/sbin/nologin healthchecks

# Assign limited permissions to the directory
chown root:healthchecks /opt/healthchecks
chmod 0775 /opt/healthchecks
If you'd like, you can limit the permissions of this directory even more after doing the steps in this guide, to 0755, since both HealthChecks and SendAlerts should be able to work without need for write permissions.

3. Install dependencies in case you don't have them

Keep in mind that HealthChecks requires Python3.8 or higher. If you are not going to use MySQL/MariaDB you don't need to install libmysqlclient.

apt install gcc git python3-dev python3-venv libcurl4-gnutls-dev librtmp-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev

4. Create a python virtual environment

Python packages installed globally can interfere with other software (including system applications). For this reason, we will create a Python Virtual Environment where modules will be installed targeting this software only.

As Pēteris Caune mentions, there are cases where it makes sense to install the Python dependencies globally (when dedicating a server or container to HealthChecks, or if you have very limited disk space, to give two examples), but I personally find it hard to recommend it to anyone most of the time. This is why this section is not labeled as optional, but keep in mind you can skip it at your own risk.

# Go to the installation directory
cd /opt/healthchecks

# Switch to healthchecks user
sudo -u healthchecks bash

# Create the python environment in the directory "venv"
python3 -m venv venv

# Load the venv variables
source venv/bin/activate

5. Clone repository and install python modules in venv

We still executing this commands from the bash session opened with the user healthchecks, and with the venv variable loaded.

git clone
Since we are not using postgresql, we don't need to install the default psycopg2 dependecy. To archieve this, we should delete the line with said dependency in the file /opt/healthchecks/healthchecks/requirements.txt

We can finally install all modules with the following commands. In this installation we are going to implement uWSGI as our Python WSGI, but if you prefer to use other, or you're not using MySQL/MariaDB, you don't need to install uwsgi or mysqlclient respectively. Lastly, it's very important that you execute these commands with the venv variables loaded.

pip install wheel mysqlclient uwsgi
pip install -r healthchecks/requirements.txt

6. Create database tables and HealthChecks' admin account

We need to create the database tables before executing HealthChecks.

6.1. (Optional) Setup temporary environment variabels

If you are going to use SQLite you can skip setting these variables.

export DB=mysql
export DB_NAME=healthchecks
export DB_PASSWORD=insert-your-db-password-here
export DB_USER=healthchecks

6.2. Create tables and admin account

cd /opt/healthchecks/healthchecks
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser

7. Execute tests

To check everything is setup correctly.

./ test

8. Define HealthChecks settings

In this guide, we will set the HealthChecks settings with an environment variables file that will be loaded when our service is started.

8.1. Create a Django secret key

We need to generate a secret key for django. We can do this by opening a python terminal (by typing the python3 command), and then executing the following code:

from import get_random_secret_key

8.2. Create the environment file itself

We save the generated key and write the environment file with the HealthChecks config. I chose to create the file in the path /opt/healthchecks/.env with the following data:

ADMINS=[email protected],localhost
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL=[email protected]
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='insert the email password here'
EMAIL_HOST_USER=[email protected]
SECRET_KEY='insert the secret key here'
SERVER_EMAIL=[email protected]
SITE_NAME='HealthChecks Server 1'

8.3. Restrict access to the environment file

chmod 0600 /opt/healthchecks/.env
We can now exit the bash session open with the healthchecks user.

9. (Optional) Create the uWSGI config file

If you've followed this guide, now it's time to setup our Python WSGI. I choose to store it in /opt/healthchecks/uwsgi.ini and wrote the following settings:

socket =
harakiri = 10
post-buffering = 16192
processes = 4
threads = 1
chdir = /opt/healthchecks/healthchecks
module = hc.wsgi:application
plugin = python3
virtualenv = /opt/healthchecks/venv

# workaround for
max-fd = 10000

# compression
check-static = static-collected/
static-gzip-dir = static-collected/CACHE

hook-pre-app = exec:/opt/healthchecks/venv/bin/python ./ migrate
attach-daemon = /opt/healthchecks/venv/bin/python ./ sendalerts
attach-daemon = /opt/healthchecks/venv/bin/python ./ sendreports --loop

if-env = SMTPD_PORT
attach-daemon = /opt/healthchecks/venv/bin/python ./ smtpd --port %(_)
endif =
If you aren't going to use a reverse proxy that supports the uWSGI protocol (or no reverse proxy at all), you should replace socket by http-socket

10. Create systemd service

Debian 12 and older uses systemd as init system. We are going to setup a service for HealthChecks to start it on boot. To archieve this, we will create a file with the following content in /etc/systemd/system/healthchecks.service

Description=Healthchecks Server



ExecStart=/opt/healthchecks/venv/bin/uwsgi /opt/healthchecks/uwsgi.ini


10.1. Enable service on startup, and run it.

systemctl enable healthchecks.service --now

11. Check everything is ok

We can now browse and use HealthCheck in debug mode. It'll be hosted in the port 8000 of the server we've set up. If you see this, everything has worked correctly! Screenshot showing HealthChecks working in debug mode

12. Switch off debug mode

In order to disable debug mode, we need to execute the following commands. I did it with the services turned off.

/opt/healthchecks/venv/bin/python /opt/healthchecks/healthchecks/ collectstatic
/opt/healthchecks/venv/bin/python /opt/healthchecks/healthchecks/ compress --force
And finally we set DEBUG=False in out environment file (if you've followed this tutorial it's located in /opt/healthchecks/.env)

Finally we turn HealthChecks up again, and check it's working correctly by visitting it. Screenshot showing HealthChecks in production mode Congrats! You now have HealthChecks running in your server!

13. Extra: Integration with a Telegram Bot

While HealthChecks already have a built-in integration with Telegram Bots, their integration relies in a WebHook. This requires exposing your HealthCheck Server to the Internet, which I really don't want to do for my use case. Luckily, Telegram Bots can work without need of webhooks, just making an HTTP request to the Telegram Servers specifying the chat and message to send.


Pēteris Caune points out that the WebHook is only needed for setting up the Telegram integration, after which it won't be necessary. They also mention that an alternative to the way I do it here is using the Apprise integration. I won't be covering neither of these alternatives in this guide.

13.1. Create a Telegram Bot

Create a Telegram Bot, and get its API Key and also your chat ID. There are a lot of guides for this on the Internet.

13.2. Create a script for sending the messages

You can find lots of scripts for sending Telegram messages using the Bot API. I like to use this one, from the project monit2telegram, since I find it very flexible. I'll put this script in /opt/telegram-bot/ with execution permissions. I'll paste the script here for completeness:


function usage
    if [ -n "$1" ]; then echo $1; fi
    echo "Usage: sendtelegram [-v] [-c configfile] [-t token] [-i chatid] [-p parse mode] [-m message]"
    exit 1


while getopts ":c:t:i:p:m:v" opt; do
    case "$opt" in
        c) CONFIGFILE=$OPTARG ;;
        t) TOKEN_ARG=$OPTARG ;;
        i) CHATID_ARG=$OPTARG ;;
        m) TEXT=$OPTARG ;;
        v) VERBOSE=1 ;;
        *) echo "Unknown param: $opt"; usage ;;

# Test config file
if [ -n "$CONFIGFILE" -a ! -f "$CONFIGFILE" ]; then echo "Configfile not found: $CONFIGFILE"; usage; fi

# Check config file if given
if [ -n "$CONFIGFILE" ]; then . "$CONFIGFILE";
# Default config file ~/.telegramrc if it exists
elif [ -f /etc/telegramrc ]; then . /etc/telegramrc;

# If TOKEN or CHATID were given in the commandline, then override that in the configfile
if [ -n "$TOKEN_ARG" ]; then TOKEN=$TOKEN_ARG; fi
if [ -n "$CHATID_ARG" ]; then CHATID=$CHATID_ARG; fi

# Verify parameters
if [ -z "$TOKEN" ]; then usage "Bot token not set, it must be provided in the config file, or on the command line."; fi;
if [ -z "$CHATID" ]; then usage "Chat ID not set, it must be provided in the config file, or on the command line."; fi;
if [ -z "$TEXT" ]; then usage "Message not set, it must be provided on the command line."; fi;
if [ ! -z $PARSEMODE_ARG ] && [[ "$PARSEMODE_ARG" != +(markdown|html) ]]; then usage "Parse mode must be either 'markdown' or 'html'."; fi;

# Sending to Telegram

echo "Sending message '$TEXT' to $CHATID"


if [ ! -z $PARSEMODE_ARG ]; then

CMD=`curl -s --max-time $TIMEOUT -d "$CMDARGS" $URL 2>&1`

if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "Failed sending Telegram"
else echo "Done!"

if [ "$VERBOSE" -eq 1 ]; then echo $CMD; fi
After this, I'll save the API Key and Chat ID in a file in /opt/telegram-bot/healthchecks/config
Next, I'll create a script that simplifies the command and stylizes the message. I will save it in /opt/telegram-bot/healthchecks/
if [ "$2" = 'UP' ]; then
elif [ "$2" = "DOWN" ]; then

/opt/telegram-bot/ \
        -c /opt/telegram-bot/healthchecks/config \
        -p html \
        -m "$EMOJI Service $1 is $2 $EMOJI%0A%0A<b>Server:</b> $(hostname)%0A<b>Time:</b> $3"
Finally, I'll set root as the owner and healthchecks as the group of the directory /opt/telegram-bot/healthchecks. I'll give the permissions 0750 to said directory and to the file I'll give the permissions 0640 to the file config.

13.3. Configuring script integration

To integrate the script made with HealthChecks, you need to go to HealthChecks (web interface) > Integration > Shell command > Add Integration. The command to execute when the service goes DOWN should be:

/opt/telegram-bot/healthchecks/ "$NAME" DOWN "$NOW"
And when it goes UP should be:
/opt/telegram-bot/healthchecks/ "$NAME" UP "$NOW"

14. Extra: Reverse proxy with NGINX

We can set a simple reverse proxy with NGINX adding this site config to it:

server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;

        location / {
                include uwsgi_params;